ME! Uggg! I have felt like a horrible mother all weekend. Poor Maddy. We went to a friend's house on Friday night. They had a sandbox in their yard that she absolutely love. She got out of it maybe once for 10 minutes the whole time we were over there. Anyway, I went to check on her after she'd been playing maybe 20ish minutes or so and noticed she had bites all over her arms and legs. The thought of mosquitoes hadn't really occurred to me because we just don't have much of a problem with them around our house. Of course if we're outside, we're usually moving around so maybe that helps. Anyway, the poor girl was eaten alive. I put on bug spray but it was too late. She was just covered in bites. She did pretty good all day Saturday about not scratching them or complaining too much, but Saturday night she started getting really upset. The bites had swollen quite a bit and she was just miserable. I put on cortisone cream and put her to bed, but she slept horrible. She kept waking up all night long just miserable, crying and fussing. The next morning it seemed like she had even more bites on her legs than she did the day before. I put on more cream and we went to church. We got home and the bites were just enormous. I started thinking that we needed another plan of action to treat her bites because they weren't getting better at all. So I started reading up on it a bit and apparently, sometimes, mosquito bites can cause hives. Bells started going off in my head and Aaron ran down to the store to get some benedryl because what we had was expired. We gave Maddy some and she spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. Sure enough, when she woke up, everything was looking much better, and the "bites" that I didn't remember being there before were almost gone. We gave her an oatmeal bath and more benedryl before bed, so hopefully she is well on her way to the bites disappearing. Lesson to myself: Always, always, ALWAYS put on bug spray immediately before going outside in Texas. (You'd think I'd have learned this with the tick bite.)
Here is a video of a cute Ranger's cheerleader: (sorry it's sideways. Drives me crazy.)
Here is a video of a cute Ranger's cheerleader: (sorry it's sideways. Drives me crazy.)