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Ski Season 18/19

 This year we became official ski bums. We got season passes to Monarch. It was great year to do it because all of the slopes in Colorado had a great snow year. Monarch had a 90 inch base for much of the season which was fantastic. Ski season started at Monarch on Thanksgiving weekend but we did not go until December I think. The girls were kind of back and forth, love/hating skiing, all season. Kelsay ended the season really loving skiing and having a lot more confidence and skill. Maddy ended with definitely better skill but not sure her confidence or desire to ski increased that much. Some days she had a blast and some days she didn't. We also got to ski Powder Horn, Crested Butte, and Cooper and Copper and Aaron got to go to Park City and Deer Valley in Utah with a work trip. Ski season was not without it's hazards. In February, in Crested Butte, Aaron had a wreck on a double black run and broke three ribs. That put him down for a solid month but he is close to back to 100% and was able to ski for most of the rest of the season. Our ski trips provided a lot of good memories and fun with family and friends. The Crested Butte trip was with Aaron's brother and nephews and we also skied Christmas Eve with them at Powder Horn. We did a lot of skiing at Monarch and Cooper with my parents. We had free lift tickets to Copper for buying our skis at the beginning of the season so Aaron and I got to go on that by ourselves for a couple of days. Over Spring Break we did a 5 day ski trip at Monarch and that really helped everyone improve on their ability this season. The girls were doing blue runs by February.  I was able to ski my first black run on the spring break trip and did quite a few blacks for the season. I did some really difficult blacks (not well) at Copper. We skied closing weekend this past weekend at Monarch. I'm already looking forward to next season and to improving in skill and confidence. Here are a bunch of pictures of skiing we did:
 Monarch in December...still was not a good base at this point and this day was really warm. They actually did this while Mom and I were in L.A. to see Brittany's show.

 Powder Horn Christmas eve. The girls did not go on this day. It was lot's of fun to ski a different slope and spend time with Aaron's family.

 Park City and Deer Valley trip Aaron did with his work.

 Crested Butte. My favorite place we went this year. Beautiful, great runs. So fun!

 Back to Monarch for Spring Break. Below I am ready to go down my first black: B's Bash.

 Beautiful views from the Panorama lift at Monarch over Spring Break.

 Mom about to go down her first black: Picante!

 I think this is a picture of me at Copper skiing this terrifyingly steep run called: Revenge. I want Revenge on Revenge next year.


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