Every year, on this day, I take a little time to reflect back on the journey that God has brought us on from the day we found out that Maddy's sonogram showed "abnormalities". In Sunday school a couple of weeks ago, we talked about how when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, he led them into a place where it looked like hope was over. They were either going to have drown themselves in the sea or be slaughtered by the Egyptians. Four years ago, I think that we had much that same type of hopeless, no where to go feeling. We didn't know what to do, where to go, how we were going to cope with life, or what was the best thing to do for our baby girl. But, just as God started the Israelites journey with a "hopeless" scenario and then led them out from slavery in a totally unexpected and amazing way, he has done the same with the challenges in our lives. Sure, the journey has been challenging and hard at times, but we are in a much better place today than we w...
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