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Showing posts from March, 2014

The Wringer

(Still working on how to post pics. Think I am out of storage space and need to pay a fee or something. My apologies.) The wringer. That is what I feel like I've been though the last month. And I feel ungrateful and silly for saying that because things have actually been so much better that they were when Maddy was born. However, we've just had a lot of sickness and minor issues that have made this first month rough. (Kelsay will be one month tomorrow! Can you believe it?) I don't want to bore you with all the details so I am just going to give a list of the ailments for each person in the household so you can feel sorry for us. :) Maddy--Poor Maddy got the worst of everything: Found out she had RSV the day after Kelsay was born so she could not be around Kelsay or hold her for a week after K came home Got to hold Kelsay for one day then came down with Noro virus or some similar stomach bug (only lasted 24 hours) Allergies--poor girl has had such a bad tickle in he