Not my usual, but I wanted to capture a little bit of today and that perfect summer day feeling : My kids wake me up at 7 a.m. I stagger out of bed and stumble into their room, blur still in my eyes. I lift the 16 month old from her crib and change her diaper as the six year old hyper-actively dumps her entire dress up bin onto the floor. The 16 month old chooses our morning meditation, Go, Dog. Go! . I read. We traipse upstairs. I grind coffee beans and the air soon ripples with the smell of wakeful magic. I pour a cup and take a sip. I dole out scrambled, farm fresh eggs and pieces of toast slathered in Earth Balance spread and cherry butter. The kids play. Somehow or another, we all end up dressed for the day. I clean house: vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, scrub toilets and showers, water plants,declutter. I look over my shoulder and everything's back to the way it was pre-cleaning. I turn down the AC, drink some ice water and grab my keys. I'm off to get a summer hair cut. ...
Life at 8200