Moving on into August. I went on a very pretty hike by this stream while the girls were in day camp one day. Threw this pic in for laughs. We call this the poop pose. It pops up once in a while, but not as often as stretchy face. If you've been looking at all the pics, you're well acquainted with stretchy face by now. Girls had fun with hair mascara. One of the highlights of August is that Dr. Rachel, another friend from Dallas came to visit. Sadly, I failed to get pictures while she was with us. She too, succumbed to altitude sickness for a day or two. She stayed with us about a day and then we all drove over to Montrose. We went to Snowmass to drop Dr. Rachel at a friends house. We drove through Pitkin county over Independence Pass. That was a drive that I'd never done before and it was absolutely beautiful. I can't remember the name of the triangular shaped 14'er that is really famous over there. Five people fell and died hiking it...
Life at 8200