We've been plagued with the nasty devils this week. We accidentally left dog food on the porch one night. Fortunately, Aaron saw the raccoon sneaking a snack before he headed to bed. We chased it off but woke up to find one of our chickens had been it's victim. I have been super careful to make sure no food has been left out but the raccoon has been back. I heard a terrible confrontation in the woods on Tuesday night between a raccoon and SOMETHING in the woods. The SOMETHING whimpered as the raccoon hissed and spit. I hope that whatever the SOMETHING was it is ok. It sounded like a dog so I am wondering if it was a coyote vs. raccoon showdown. One of our cats stays out all the time and I thought at first it was her. I was out banging a bucket with a stick and yelling trying to get the raccoon to leave. Turns out the cat was on the deck cool as a cucumber. We had been letting Whiskers and kittens stay outside as well but now we go through the nightly routine of putting them in ...
Life at 8200