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A Jam Packed Post

Some of you (Brittany) have waited a long time for a new post, but your patience will be rewarded. I have a ton of stuff to talk about on this post. I hope your eyeballs don't fall out before you get through it all.
First of all, we are expecting. For those of you who think that means puppies, you are right. They will arrive (to my great sadness) in a week or two. BUT most of you probably didn't expect to read that Aaron and I are also expecting. I went to my first dr.'s appointment today. I am a little over 8 weeks along and my due date is April 4th. That is really close to Aaron's birthday, so we'll see what happens. I am nervous and scared and excited too. My parents are really, really, really, really excited. I called them and my brother and sisters this morning after my dr.'s visit. There isn't much else to tell about the baby right now. I think it is like half an inch long so no sonogram or anything like that. Some dr.'s do that I guess but this dr. doesn't until 20 weeks which is when the baby is bigger and you can actually see it and also determine boy or girl. That is fine with me. I just hope that I haven't eaten something or done something through ignorance up to this point that would make the baby retarded or deformed or something. I know the Eckstein grandparents will be happy about this, but I think it will be really special for the Embry grandparents since there are no great-grandkids on that side yet. Anyway, that's the big news for today.
Back to the puppies. I really did not want puppies to begin with and definitely don't want them now that I'm pregnant, but we have to have them cause they are already on the way. It may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for some extra money but it will also be a lot of work. Fortunately we have a garage so that will help with keeping the house decently clean. I just hope we can sell them in the midst of everyone's money woes. If not, we'll give them away. Either Abbey or Houdini or both are getting fixed after this because I won't be able to risk having puppies for awhile with a baby to take care of.
I started classes for my MLA yesterday. I think I will be okay so far. One will be a lot of work and the other not so much. I don't know about the third class cause I haven't been to it yet. My classes are: Studies in Fiction:Victorian Novels(for my English emphasis); The Creative Process and the Arts(elective that fit my schedule this semester); and Western Heritage and Christianity(required for all MLA majors at DBU). The English class will be the hardest one so far. I have quite a few papers for that one, but it is manageable. Since I have to come to school with Aaron all day on Monday and Tuesday since we only have one car, I will have plenty of time to go to the library and read and do homework. I think it is going to work out really well.
Aaron is really enjoying his job so far and I think he is good at it and will become great at it before the semester is over. I went to his first lecture because he wanted me to sit in on it and see how he did and despite the projector, internet, and computer all going crazy on him and not working for the first half of the class, he did a really good job. I think the students will come to appreciate him as a teacher the more he gets into the subject rather than having to talk about the boring stuff like the syllabus. He has to teach an A&P lab this semester. That is not his field at all so he is really nervous about that. That is only one day a week thank goodness.
On another note. If any of you want to play fantasy football, let me know. We have 7 people right now so a few more wouldn't hurt. I'll send you an invitation if you want to play.
Let see, that's all the news I can think of right now, but it is quite a bit. I wish we could come to Lubbock this weekend since it sounds like lots of people will be there, but with puppies on the way any day we can't really just take off and leave Abbey for the weekend. Happy Labor Day weekend to you all!


texasholls said…
P.S. Any tips from any of you who have been pregnant recently( Chrissy and Jennifer) let me know.
Chrissy Cross said…
I am so happy for you guys!!!! I think both of you will be great parents!! Don't be nervous or scared about things, just trust God's plan. And read everything you can about being pregnant and birthing. The more you know, the easier it is. Also, get a lot of sleep while you can, remember your body is working double time now and you need your rest. Don't be afraid to do what you normally do, your body and your baby will handle it just fine. I am so excited for you guys, April is a good time to have a baby. I loved having Cooper in May, summer is a great time for having a newborn. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Even if you think it is dumb, ask anyway. I will be praying for you three!!
Brittany said…
Holy cow!! You weren't kidding about a jam packed post! I am so happy for you guys! And sad that we won't get to see you this weekend in Lubbock, but hopefully we can come down soon and see puppies! mkay, the Victorian novels class sounds awesome!! I could totally be into that. Good luck with the classes.
Anonymous said…
Super congratulations! Now that you are blazing the trail, maybe Cindy will be right behind you. I am pumped for you guys. I think that I will not be able to prevent Brittany from coming to see the puppies when they are born, so I expect we will see you guys in a few weeks. MATT
Jennifer said…
Yeah!! Congrats! I have to say that you shouldn't necessarily read everything about pregnancy and birthing. Be informed, yes, but don't go overboard. Sometimes, too much knowledge is a curse. But, just remember, women have been having babies for years and years and years before we had all the "wonderful" technology we have today. You'll do great! Just eat well and exercise and the rest is up to God. Call or email me anytime. As Chrissy says, no question is dumb. I've probably heard them all at some point or another. Congrats again!! Praying all goes smoothly!
Anonymous said…
Yay! I bet our g-parents are really happy. I wonder if they were getting impatient? HA. My prediction- Boy

Aaron can make anything sound interesting, I think he is a natural teacher.
Anonymous said…
I notice that Brandon's prediction was a boy...that was also mine and Tricia's initial thought as well. My friend Whitney says that if you have a lot of morning sickness it is a boy....hmmm, we should start placing bets!
Zach and Alyson said…
I stumbled upon your blog from Jamie's... I'm excited about hearing all the news from all you pregnant gals.

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