Monday was the big day! The "DEATH TO THE PINK CAST!" day. I made the mistake of telling Maddy, before breakfast, that she was getting her cast off. As a result she ate no breakfast and spent most of the time trying to push the cast of her leg and saying, "I can't get it! I can't do it!" Finally, after I explained about umpteen times that the doctor had to cut it off, she finally got it and was immediately ready to take off to Scottish Rite. (Appointment was still about 2 hours away.) Somehow we made it through 2 long hours. Our wait time to see the doc was pretty long. I had no idea Maddy knew the doctor's name at SR, so I was shocked/amused when she kept asking in the waiting room, "
Where is Dr. Herring?"
This is a balloon that Maddy got in the hospital. It lasted through the entire cast episode. I finally got rid of it today. |
Triple layer with tights on top to protect leg and foot. |
They finally got us back in the room and then after another wait, the
doc came in. Maddy was so ready to get that cast off until they turned
the cast saw on. Then it was a different story. "I want my pink cast on!
Lot's of crying and screaming the entire time they were cutting the cast
off. Then when she saw her dry, flaky, and still orange skin (from
iodine they put on for surgery) she really freaked out. "What's the skin
doin'? What's it doin"?!?!?!?!" Basically the only way she knew to ask
why her leg looked funny. She also had a pin that came out when the cast
was pulled apart and it left a little bloody spot on her foot. That
plus the scar was also very disturbing. So I quickly put her pants back
on and put a sock on her foot. As long as she didn't have to look at it,
everything was fine and dandy.
I feel so bad for how traumatic
this was (and still is) for her, but I have to laugh too. She would not
take a bath that night and refused to take her sock off. She kept saying
that she would take her sock off and take a bath "tomorrow". The child
has learned the skill of procrastination at the age of 3. We did let her
wait a day and then gave her a bath last night. She was throwing a fit
about getting in the tub, but we let her keep her sock on and distracted
her with bath paints. She had a great time until we took the sock off
at the end to wash her leg. She was, once again, just fine after she got
a new sock on that leg. To ensure that we didn't take anything off that
leg again (I guess) she put on socks, then pj pants, then tights before
going upstairs for a snack. I did manage to convince her to just wear
socks and splints to bed.
Taking a bath with the sock on. |
Dressed and ready, minus breakfast, for SR. |
Today I made her change her sock because I wanted to look at her
leg and foot. I pulled the sock down to her ankle. Her legs was still a
tiny bit flaky but the orange was gone. She had been starting to throw a
fit, but she looked at her leg with delight when she saw that it looked
"normal" again. She then proceeded to pull the sock off herself. Yikes!
Foot is not normal! Another freak out session at scar and area where
pin was on her foot. Again, everything fine once sock on. She may be
wearing a sock on that foot for quite a while. Hopefully she will get
used to how the scar looks, and of course it will look better as it
heals. She has absolutely no issues with the scars on her legs and knees
from her previous surgery and she likes to proudly point them out to
people at times.
As far as getting back to normal, the doc said
she can just continue with regular therapy with no extra sessions
needed. She is enjoying more freedom of movement. She has stood just a
little on her left foot and tried to stand up out of her chair several
times today. I am glad she is interested in standing and walking already
and I think that will go a long way toward making her recovery go much
Going home without a cast! |
Anyway, the adventure continues. Hopefully we can get her less attached to the sock as the week goes on. Next adventure: Potty training!
Following pics are random pics I find hilarious or show something we've been doing lately. Bang pic is toward the end:
Maddy made herself a sticker shoe one night. Whatever kept her entertained was fine with me. |
Watching a cartoon while eating lunch. I think her expression in the pic is so cute and she is all dressed up and eating baked beans. : D |
This was a couple weeks into the cast. We' d been giving Maddy sponge baths, obviously, so one day she decided to play that she was giving me a bath. I'm laying Hop on Pop and some movies getting my hair washed and the praying mantis on my face is part of the process, though I'm not sure exactly what it's supposed to do. |
Giving bunny a horsey ride. |
Tea party. Bunny and Pop are on a piano which is their car seat. Later they got told to "buckle your seat belts" and had movie placed on top of them. |
Watching Tom and Jerry. She laughs so much at that cartoon. |
She wanted me to take her picture. She was trying to actually look and smile but I didn't get the pic snapped in time. |
Eating cinnamon toast for breakfast. I just like it that she is smiling so big in this picture. |
Another tea party with bunny. Not sure why he had to have to boppy as well as a chair to sit in. |
Getting the garden in. YAY! We actually got it in at the recommended time for our area for once. Hopefully this means a good tomato crop this year! |
Maddy's attempt to take a picture of herself. |
And at last the bangs--to sate your curiosity. What do you think? |
Maddy is the most precious thing, I think the sock thing is hilarious. Some of the pictures she reminds me of you when you were little, maybe it's all the hair. I love her.