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So much has happened in so little time!

Wow! Where to start? We are going along at blazing speed it seems. I am so ready for the semester to be over and enjoy a few lazy days before Christmas hits full blast.  I will just give some pic and some news blurbs about what is going on.

News blurb #1:
At my last doctor's appointment (30 wks) I hadn't grown or gained so they decided to do a sonogram to make sure baby was growing correctly. I was very nervous, even though I suspected that all was fine, given our past history with Maddy. Sometimes you just can't help those bad memories coming in and nagging at the corners of your brain. Fortunately they had sono appts available that afternoon and Aaron was able to get off work and come to the appt. The sonogram went great. Baby was 3 lbs 7 oz and 15 in long--two days ahead of scheduled due date. We also found out for sure that we are having a GIRL!! Now to finalize a name..........

News blurb #2:
Maddy is starting to read. After the sonogram we picked her up at school and went to Walmart for a couple things. She read the words "explosion", "pumpkin" and "happy birthday" and almost sounded out the word "spice". I think she pronounced it something like "spisee" which makes perfect sense since she wouldn't know that an e on the end is silent and makes the vowel long. It was a pretty big day between a great sonogram and a kid who is almost reading.

News blurb # 3: Maddy had an ear infection the entire month of November. (Insert sad, crying, red, frustrated, pulling hair out emoticon here). She did two rounds of antibiotics and was still looking a bit red on the ear drums before we left for Thanksgiving. We took her to the chiropractor several times and put some drops in here ears (mixture of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar). Although it seems like a crazy treatment, it all worked to help her fight off getting another infection, but now she has fluid on her ears. That's par for the course with here. We'll continue to work with the chiropractor to see if we can get them to drain. We do not want anymore antibiotics and would really like to avoid tubes if possible.

News blurb #4:
We had a great Thanksgiving in west Texas. It is so neat to see Maddy's growing relationship with the great grandparents and great uncles and aunts. It really is worth the killer drive. This year, Maddy's favorite Thanksgiving dinner items were mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and Me Ma's rolls. Aaron ate the last two rolls as a snack in the afternoon. When we pulled out the leftovers for dinner, Maddy asked for a roll. I told her that Daddy ate the last roll and she just burst into tears. She told her dad, "You are a bad person!" Next year we'll be a little more careful to save her a roll for supper. And yes, Me Ma's rolls are that good. She also enjoyed story time with Uncle Eldon this time. She has been kind of hesitant to do much with him before, but on this trip she was Eldon's buddy from the moment we walked in the house.  Maddy also had a great time seeing Grandpa and Grandma Eckstein  and playing dress up and iPad with Kendall, Clayton, and Karsyn. She has been asking for a "tab-e-let" for Christmas ever since. I told her that that was outside our price range so then she said she would just ask Santa for one. I told her it was too expensive for Santa too.

News blurb #5:
Maddy had a check up at Scottish Rite on Monday. The doctor was very impressed with her progress in  walking, balancing, and even jumping. She really showed off her jumping skills for him. Like her therapist and the rest of us, he'd like to see her right knee straighter, but it may not happen without some surgery down the road. The next surgery they could do would not be until she is 8 or 9 so we have a lot of time to pray and continue to try to make some progress with therapy and gymnastics. My feeling is that the angle of her knee has more to do with her joint than anything. I think the joint is not grown together straight in that knee and that, even with surgery, it will be hard to get a better angle and straighter knee, but we shall deal with all of that down the road. The important thing is that she is so functional right now with both walking and her hands that all the doctors have agreed that surgery would be detrimental to her development at this point.

News blurb #6:
Monday was also the DBU Christmas tree lighting. That is a big event for Maddy every year. This year we did the horse and buggy ride for the first time. Maddy loved it. She got her traditional snack: marshmallows without any hot chocolate and a gingerbread man cookie. She loved seeing the lights and writing her name on an ornament to hang on the tree. She did not want to leave the Christmas party.

News blurb #7: I have started going to craft fairs to try to sell some of the stuff that I make. I did my first fair mid-November and I'm scheduled to do another one this Saturday. The weather is supposed to be nasty so I may not  get much traffic for my booth. It has been fun so far and I've gotten several ornament commissions and sales out of the first fair, so it has been fun.

News blurb #8: I am soooooooooooooooo ready for this semester to be over. The end.


Kristina said…
Hey Holly, I wear hearing aids too and a while back, I went to an audiologist who had some tool that he looked in my ear with and said I had an infection. I don't think it was a big enough infection that a regular doctor would catch, but I was thinking that with hearing aids in all the time, keeping moisture in there and building up the bacteria, I may have a minor infection in there all the time or just about all the time. It's probably going to be a problem for her if she wears hearing aids. Recently I bought some mullein and garlic ear drops and I was thinking it would be good to just periodically put some drops in there to stave off that bacteria. Also good quality essential oils can be put around the ear (not in).
bee said…
Loved getting to be there with you to help make some of those memories and in spirit in the events that I am not there. I feel like I am right there beside you and getting to enjoy all the fun.
Anonymous said…
Great catch up! I think it's awesome that you're setting up a booth- I wish you continued success! Santa can't afford a tablet- priceless!

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