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The Wringer

(Still working on how to post pics. Think I am out of storage space and need to pay a fee or something. My apologies.)

The wringer. That is what I feel like I've been though the last month. And I feel ungrateful and silly for saying that because things have actually been so much better that they were when Maddy was born. However, we've just had a lot of sickness and minor issues that have made this first month rough. (Kelsay will be one month tomorrow! Can you believe it?) I don't want to bore you with all the details so I am just going to give a list of the ailments for each person in the household so you can feel sorry for us. :)

Maddy--Poor Maddy got the worst of everything:

  • Found out she had RSV the day after Kelsay was born so she could not be around Kelsay or hold her for a week after K came home
  • Got to hold Kelsay for one day then came down with Noro virus or some similar stomach bug (only lasted 24 hours)
  • Allergies--poor girl has had such a bad tickle in her throat she can't sleep half the time

Kelsay--she got the second worst raw deal:
  • My milk did not come in so she lost all the weight she could lose and we had to start giving her formula
  • We found out she had a lip tie and tongue tie so she had those clipped at 12 days old
  • She is currently getting over a case of thrush--she has had that for about a week
  • We suspect she has reflux so she has been on meds for that
  • Was not able to get milk in for 13 days. Was on a routine of nurse, pump, supplement. When mom left, that fell apart as I could not keep up with that never ending cycle and take care of Maddy as well. Milk never fully came in so breastfeeding has unfortunately not happened and K will be a formula baby. I have had a lot of frustration over not being able to feed either of my kids due to issue with them (Maddy) or me (Kelsay). Still struggle with feelings of inadequacy and failure over this at times, but God has a plan and we are so blessed in so many ways. This is just a small bump in the scheme of things and I'm sure that it is preparing me for something in the future  just as Maddy's feeding issues prepared me not to take K being on formula quite as hard as I might have otherwise.
  • I had mastitis and felt terrible for 3 or 4 days til antibiotics kicked in
  • I suspect that I had thrush as well which may have played into nursing issues but did not catch the thrush issue soon enough since I had never heard of it before

  • Got Maddy's cold so limited his time with K the first week or so
  • Struggling with allergies big time
  • Tired from having to help all of us other sickos all the time
To top it all off, my mom, who was here to help the first 10 days after we came home from the hospital, got a terrible cold while she was here and had to go on antibiotics when she got home. I am so ready for winter and germs and strange sicknesses that I have never heard of before to be over!!

however, as I said, even though it has been rough, Kelsay has been such a blessing and really healthy and good overall. Especially considering the feeding issues she's had. She has gain weight great so far. She was 8 lb 14 oz last time we went to the doctor and I am sure she is well over 9 lbs by now. She has been on a 3 hour schedule almost since we came home from the hospital, entirely on her own initiative. Most of the time she sleeps well and is generally happy unless it's eating time and then she has just been a mad girl because of the thrush and the reflux. Maddy is doing great with her .she wants to help with everything. She is so proud of her baby sister and wants to show her off to everyone. She begged us to take her to school to show her teachers and the first Sunday we went back to church she insisted that we take K back to her classroom and show her to everybody. She was also very concerned about her therapist getting to see baby K. Kelsay has started smiling. Real smiles to try to get a reaction, not just gassy smiles. It is so cute. You can tell she is just trying out the smile to see what kind of reaction she will get. She tracks great. She will try to find people when she hears their voices. She has done that since day 2 in the hospital which the nurse there said was really unusual. She called her a "social baby". Other than that, her main activities are eating, crying, pooping and sleeping. Typical baby. I am greatly anticipating the day when she gets a bit more interactive and her personality really starts to show up.


Sara Funk said…
Ah Holly! My goodness! I will be praying for you all for some peace! I understand your frustrations about breastfeeding. I am still able to feed Carson, but the Dr.'s want him on formula because of his colitis. I want to do what is best for him, but it is hard to think about not breastfeeding. You are doing the best you can for Kelsay and Maddy and are such a great mom. Take care!
bee said…
You have weathered a lot of storms--before Maddy was born, after the birth dealing with all of Maddy's issues, with the trials of this first month with Kelsay. I wish I could say that I have done as well in my life. You are AMAZING! I love the way Maddy is so proud of her sister. Makes me smile!
Anonymous said…
you poor guys! Will be praying for recovery and sleep!

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