Most inexcusable anyway. I feel so bad that Kelsay is 3 months old and I haven't written one post about her since she was born. Since the blog is basically the baby book for both my kids I need to get on the ball. Maddy's paper baby book is pretty lean but Kelsay's has 0 so far written down, so I need to get some stuff recorded electronically for her. Kelsay has been a great baby. After we worked through all the issues at the beginning she has been the sweetest, laid back, smilingest baby. So far she has only been inconsolably upset twice. Once at her 2 month appointment at the doctor's office and yesterday at church when she got mad about something in the nursery. Speaking of her 2 month appointment, she weighed 11 lbs 3 oz and was 22.5 inches long (50th% on everything). Maddy had her 5 year check up and she was about 28 lbs and 3 ft tall (not on the chart). Kelsay is still dealing with reflux but seems to be getting better. I am trying to not give her her meds this ...
Life at 8200