We had Kelsay's second birthday a couple of weeks ago. Wanna know the sad truth? These are the only pictures I go the entire weekend. BAD MOM. The sunglasses pic is actually from the day before her birthday but it expresses her current personality so well. Her birthday was on Friday. That day was pretty low key. We gave her her big wheel when she got up. She wouldn't ride it at first but got warmed up after a couple hours. She needs to grow into it a bit. The age said 24 months up but she can't quite reach the pedal so it will be a bit before she can actually ride. I made her spaghetti for dinner and Maddy and Kelsay go to have a scoop of ice cream. She also got this awesome magnet board from Granna. Great entertainment and now I don't have to trip over her when I'm cooking and she is playing in front of the fridge. I was going to do a frozen cake for her but she's obsessed with owls right now so I decided owls instead. It turned out o...
Life at 8200