This morning my amazing Aunt Jan went home to be with Jesus. I have been thinking of her often over the last few weeks, and I keep thinking of the verse in Ephesians that says to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity (my paraphrase and cutting some of it out). As I think about her today, these words just keep coming back to me over and over again. I have rarely met someone so purposeful and thoughtful in every action and interaction. I think there were very few things that she did or ideas she had that, if you asked, she couldn't give a well reasoned argument for why she did a certain thing exactly the way she did it or why she thought about a certain subject exactly the way she thought about it. She was excellent at asking people questions and learning about who they were and what they thought and enjoyed. She studied diet and nutrition and phonics and any subject that interested her. She didn't have a degree in any of those things but I am certain she could ha...
Life at 8200