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Moving On

Moving on. It seems that is the whole theme of life. But some seasons in life seem to be moving on more than others. Even if change is exciting or desired, it is still bittersweet. There is always some sense of loss with change. A moving on from something that you can never have back the same again.
This month we have had moving on from school. I am so happy to be done with school this year. We have been doing Coram Deo Academy for the past couple of years. It is a hybrid school/homeschool model where Maddy has been at home T/TH and at school M/W/F. This year, I knew by December, that we were going to have to have a change next year. Lots of people love this model but doing school this way with a two year old at home requires someone of a tougher metal than me. We made it, but it wasn't easy. I feel that I will be a better mom next year when Maddy is at school five days a week. Kelsay finished her mother's day out program at the end of May. She went one day a week this year. Next year she will go three mornings a week. Again, just another move that will help me be a better, saner mom.

The kids will be going to their school and program in Woodland Park, Colorado. This is a big season of moving on for us as we start construction on our house in Woodland Park. The Wednesday before Memorial Day we flew to Colorado to go stake the corners of our house so the builders would know what the orientation of the house should be and they begin putting in the septic and doing dirt work for the foundation of the house.  The house won't be ready til at least January 2017 but I did not want to split the school year for the kids so we are moving in July. We will stay in our camper for a few weeks while it is summer but after that we don't know. We've considered all kinds of things: buying a fixer upper house and living in it, fixing it and then renting it; living in a four season camper trailer; getting an eco cabin on the property; renting an apartment or house. We have no idea what we'll do. So it is an adventure for sure.

Though we love or friends and church here, we've felt a sense of time to move on. We want to get to where we want to be while the kids are still young so the transition is hopefully easier for them. We also have a sense that life is short and you have to go for what you want instead of doing something just because it is the path of least resistance. We need to collapse back into a smaller circle. Our circle in Dallas has, physically, become enormous. We go to church all the way up in McKinney but Aaron still taught two days a week at DBU. Basically we're stretched about as far north and south as you can get across the entire metroplex. Maddy's school was also in McKinney so it was hard to make connections with her friends outside of school days. Even if we didn't move from the metroplex we knew we were going to have to make some changes in order to function in community again. We love our church. It is amazing, but since we've moved to McKinney we've slowly developed the same problem that all the people we know live so far away it is impossible to connect outside of church hours. We can't really practically invite people to church because who is going to drive to McKinney to go to church from Carrollton? No one but us crazy Fletchers. With all these changes we felt the need to make we decided that going to Colorado seemed a feasible idea. I am so excited to be in the mountains, in a small town, hopefully raising some cows and chickens on our land and being able to connect with friends who live 5 or 10 minutes away. I also have fears of course. Fears that we won't make friends, that Texas has ruined us for dealing with cold and snow, that the kids won't like their schools. I could go on and on. But with those fears I have equal anticipation for each thing to turn out positively. As I said, change always comes with a price, but I think the price will be worth it. And I am definitely looking forward to a few weeks in the camper soon!


Anonymous said…
I can't believe you guys have been in that house 9 years! Crazy. I'm excited for your new adventures. It seems like you're kind of flying by the seat of your pants, but I think that's when the best memories and adventures come : )
bee said…
I can't wait to be closer to you but I also feel your loss of friends and family there. I'm glad we live in an age where travel is easy so going back to visit is possible. I LOVE your property.

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