We sold the first puppy today! Jessica, Jessica Jr. was the pick of the litter, so you gave your name to a good puppy. The new owners will pick her up next Friday. That is a relief to at least have one down; however, we've had no other calls on any of the puppies so we need to find another place to advertise and keep praying that we can get rid of them all. The people who got this puppy had a Springer already that was 11 years old and they love him so it wasn't hard to sell them a cute little Springer puppy. They are so cute that if you can get people to come look they sell themselves.
I am 20 pages down on my 30 page paper now. Hopefully I can bust those last 10 pages out this week without a hitch. I really hope I don't get in another class that requires a paper this long. Please never make your students write a paper this long if you are a teacher, unless it is their dissertation or something major like that. It is torture. Especially since I don't particularly care about the class I'm writing it for. I was forced to take the class so that doesn't help with motivation for getting things done for it.
Thursday, Tricia came over to hang out. I always enjoy that because that is a long night if no one is around because Aaron doesn't get home until 9 usually. Anyway, we went to Ross to look around and I ended up buying a few things. We are going to this super fancy fund raiser dinner for DBU next month (free) and so I needed to find a dress I could wear. I found a dress for $10 that is a maternity dress but it is made in such a way that I'm pretty sure I can wear it and it will look great when I'm not pregnant anymore. I also found a sweater for $13 that was the same type of thing and then I got a top that is really cute but too big for me just yet. I think I just need a few more things like a couple of long sleeved shirts and some camis and I will be set with the maternity clothes, at least for the most part.
We went to REI today because Aaron had a gift card from his mom from last Christmas that he'd never used. He lost his pocket knife at the fair because the people at the gate wouldn't let him in with one. He tried to hide it in some bushes but it was gone when we got back. I bet one of the workers took it for themselves or their kid. Anyway, he needed another one so that is what we got. Hopefully this one won't get lost for a while.
I do have a prayer request for you all to be praying about. Our sister-in-law, Amanda, has been in the hospital this week. She was having swelling in her hands, and maybe some other places, I can't remember. Anyway it went to her throat and they had to go to the hospital. The doctors think that it is possibly rheumatoid arthritis . She is only 24 so she is really young to be having issues like that. They have been through a lot of stress the past few months so this is just one more thing for them.
Not much news besides all this. Just wanted to let you all know about the puppy. We'll be headed up to Matt and Brittany's this Friday for a Halloween party if things go as planned. I'm excited about that.