I have posted pictures of the new car at the end of the post. So far Aaron really likes it. I'm sure we'll like it even more as it helps us to continue to save gas and allows me to take Maddy to all of her doctor's appointments without too much hassle. Speaking of doctor's appointments, we went for her 4 month check up today. She is still in the bottom 3% and she did not weigh quite as much as I'd anticipated. I was hoping she'd be 9 lbs or above, but she weighed in at a whopping 8lb 14oz. The pediatrician was not pleased with that weight so he wants me to put her on half formula/half breast milk for her feedings. I really had hoped to avoid formula because of the expense, but she is obviously not gaining weight at good rate so I guess we will try it. I am supposed to take her back in two weeks to check the progression of her weight. He did say that she could just be a 'small person' so at least he is not ruling that out. Personally I think that is part of it because Aaron's family is all very small and then a lot of people in our family aren't giants although we do have some tall genes in our family. She is 22 3/8 in. I think he thought her length was progressing alright but just wasn't satisfied with her weight gain. It is a little off on the length still although much more accurate because her knee does stretch out so far now. I think she is eating plenty because she takes about 4 oz a feeding usually. This morning she ate 5, so it is possible that what she is eating does not have enough fat content and that's why she isn't gaining.
We have an appointment with a developmental pediatrician on Thursday. I am nervous and curious to see what they have to say. If it seems that they don't tell me anything that I haven't learned from her billion other doctors, I will probably not go back, BUT I will take her this time because I would hate to not have her see someone if it is really important. This appointment was scheduled for her while she was still in NICU and I met the doctor who will be seeing her back then. It was so long ago I almost forgot about it til I got a letter reminder in the mail.
In other news, Aaron is moving up in the techie world. He got a bluetooth headset for his phone. We found one at Wal-Mart for $20. He really likes it and I like it too because he talks on the phone a lot while he's driving to and from work so I really like the idea of him having a hands-free way to do that. Also, something else that I don't think we've told a lot of people yet is that we are trying to train for a half marathon in December. It is the White Rock Marathon/half marathon/10k/5k that Scottish Rite does as a fundraiser every year. We want to give back to the hospital in someway and this is a good way to do it. Maddy really loves going in the stoller for runs so it works out for all of us and is fun to do together as a family. We've been taking the dogs too. It is good for them and especially good for Abbey because she is getting so fat. Me and Aaron can outlast her and that is sad. Enjoy the pictures of the car!

thanks so much for your prayer-i really appreciate it!!!
btw, i have a friend who's lil girl is almost a yr old, and she, too is in the bottom 3% for weight-she is sucha tiny lil thing, but boy is she precious, just like Maddy! hope all goes well for the next "weigh-in." :)
Hey I just learned how to transfer pictures off my phone to our laptop via bluetooth. Really cool technology. I'm not planning on going hands-free tho...