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Our Great Vacation Concluded

 On Friday morning we got up and had a leisurely breakfast and then started packing up everything to go out to Red Mountain Camp. Maddy really enjoyed the BBQ Aunt Jan made for the meal the first night. It was delicious! Maddy was really excited about seeing Bethany at the camp and she was able to stay up just long enough to say hi to Bethany when the Halls got there later in the evening. It was so fun to have a couple of days to watch Maddy and Bethany get to play together. Maddy still talks about Bethany all the time. It is so cute.
 Lots of other family was there too. Maddy learned how to play memory. I have a memory game on my phone and she did not really get how to play it before vacation. When we came back she really had the concept of memory down, so she had good teachers. :)
 There was of course the usual basketball games, 42 games, card games, etc.
 We had the yearly ice cream competition. Janet and I were surprised to find out that we had both decided to make avocado ice cream for the competition. Bethany really like the pre-frozen avocado ice cream mix. Mine was dairy free, so she could indulge her taste a little bit. Unfortunately mine didn't freeze very good but it was pretty tasty. Grandma won the competition with her delicious concoction of strawberry banana ice cream.
Short order cook Cindy flippin' the flapjacks.

 Maddy had a great time with everyone. I think she knew almost everyone's name before the end of the reunion. She still requests to know where various relatives are from time to time. She was kind of hesitant to hang out with Uncle Kev at first but she loved him reading go dogs go with her and finding the happy and sad faces in his communication text book. She also loved playing elephant with much so that she kept loudly requesting that game while we were having a devotional the last night. Ooopps.

 Aaron and Tricia and Jessica and I played our traditional spades game. Sadly the Jessica/Holly spades dynasty was toppled this time. We'll come back though!
 This year Aaron and I learned something very fun but very out of our comfort zone for the talent show. My dad's cousin Raya was at the reunion this year and she competes professionally in ballroom dancing. She wanted to do a dancing with the stars kind of thing for the talent show and Aaron and I were her pupils. We learned East Coast swing and did our routine complete with costumes and music for the talent show. We kind of fell apart for the actual performance, but oh well, we had tons of fun and laughs.
Love this picture!

The reunion was a great time with family and just a great break to get away from everything up in the mountains. It was so great to see family. The family times when all of us can be together are just more and more precious as the years go by. On Tuesday morning we said our good byes and headed away from the beautiful mountains to the hot and humid pit of Dallas.


Drs Meyer said…
Love getting to hear your side of it all :) I miss being in Dallas with ya'll but NOT the humidity or the craziness of traffic :)
Anonymous said…
LOVE the pic of ya'll dancing! That was so fun!
bee said…
I really loved every bit of the reunion this year. So glad you and Aaron ventured out and did something "different" for the talent show. Fun fun fun times and great memories!

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