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Our Great Vacation Continued

 As we headed back over the mountains on Sunday we stopped off at Deckers to see the Fletcher grandparents. Grandma Fletcher had just picked a lot of produce out of the garden so I volunteered to snap the beans. It made me realize how much I miss having a real garden. I have yet to figure out how to grow stuff in this crazy Dallas climate....but that is a story for a different day. We ate dinner with them and we had the most tender and tasty pork roast I have ever eaten. Grandma Fletcher also made zucchini muffins that Maddy loved, and squash and salad. Everything in the salad except the bean sprouts were from their garden. We ate dinner pretty late. We had pear pie for dessert and then headed on to Colorado Springs and got there about 11. We were all pretty tired so we unloaded and went to bed.
Mom had to work half days while we were there so the next morning Dad made us breakfast and then we headed to Walmart to buy Maddy some puzzles. Let me explain that one of the few things we brought to enterain Maddy on the trip was this princess puzzle she really likes. The problem is that the princess puzzle is 50 tiny pieces and really for ages 5 and up. So what happens is that Mom and Dad put the puzzle together while Maddy watches. Well Maddy got obsessed with princess puzzle while we were in Montrose. We probably put it together 50 times over a week span. If she hadn't of gotten sick it would have been more. Needless to say, we were very tired of princess puzzle. Grandad and Dad helped Maddy find a 4 pack of puzzles that were age appropriate and she literally spent the rest of the day making Grandad, Granna, and Dad put them together with her. Strangely, I was not allowed to put the puzzles together. When I tried to give everyone else a break she told me to get back on the couch. Lol! Guess she thought I needed a vacation.
Anyway....We had a great time in Colorado Springs. The weather was absolutely perfect while we were there. It rained a couple of evenings and always felt so good to go on a walk after supper.
Tric came in Monday evening on her way down to Lubbock to drive Grandpa and Grandma to the family reunion. We had fun with her and it was great to see her since the last time we'd seen each other was right after Christmas. We had ice cream and went on a walk.
One day we went up to Helen Hunt falls and then went on the 7 Bridges Trail for a hike. Beautiful scenery and there was a creek that ran all along the trail so Maddy got to throw rocks in the creek and put her feet in the water.
 We took the stroller on the hike because there was no way we were going to be able to carry her the whole way. We did carry her the last portion that was kind of steep and she had a shoulder ride most of the way down, but Aaron was superman pushing the stroller up the trail. I'm sure the other hikers we met thought we were a little crazy.

 After we hiked, my parents took us to the Garden of the God Trading Post for supper. If you have a coupon you can get buy one buffalo burger get one free. The buffalo burgers were excellent. Maddy had a 1/4 pound hot dog and ate almost the entire thing, bread and all.
 After dinner my mom bought Maddy a bucket of rocks to put through this mining sluice thing they had set up outside. Maddy had a great time watching Grandad wash off the rocks and then picking them out of the box.

 The day before the reunion we went up to Denver to pick Tam up from the airport and spent the afternoon at Cindy and Brad's. I was so excited to see them and SO SO excited to see Bethany. She grew and changed a lot since I saw her in March. She was a blast. Maddy had so much fun playing with her. We gave Bethany some early birthday presents while we were there and Maddy still talks about Bethany opening her presents and how we need to wrap presents for Bethany. :)

The Halls have a really nice walking trail by their house and it was a beautiful day so we took advantage of that. We had pizza for dinner and then headed back to the Springs so we could get packed up to head to the family reunion at Red Mountain Camp the next day.

More fun times to come....


bee said…
I love re-living all the fun times through your re-telling of the events. It was GREAT!
Anonymous said…
excellent wrap up! What a great time!

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