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Camping and Gardening--Must Be Springtime!

A picture I took of Maddy at Penn Farm inside Cedar Hill State Park. This is a pic I will use for the portrait session of my photography class.
 Here are some quick pics of our weekend activities. We went camping with our church group at Cedar Hill State Park. It was perfect weather for camping. Low 70's for highs and 49 for a low at night. The kids roasted marshmallows. My hair still smells like campfire smoke after washing it twice. Ugg. We also had another true Texan experience. We got our first chigger bites. Maddy didn't get any but Aaron and I got quite a few around the ankles.
Sitting by the campfire

Checking out one of the old farm houses

Wallace and Junior from Hank the Cowdog
 These buzzards were just hanging out in a barn at the farm we walked around. I'd never seen a baby buzzard before. I think he's pretty cute.
Some kind of beetle that was iridescent

Maddy was really stressed out about having to pose for her picture on this old plow. I think she thought she was going to fall off.

Maddy loves gardening and planting flowers. Of course the ones she plants rarely survive. But she is learning. She was singing some kind of song in this pic
 We made some updates to our flower beds around the yard. We redid the front flower beds by the sidewalk with new brick and then added flowers to all the flower beds. Maddy loves gardening. She wouldn't eat her avocados at supper for an ice cream bar, but she did eat them right up when Aaron told her that if she ate her avocado she could go plant flowers.
Flower garden on the west wall. We added some margarita spider daisies. Hopefully they can take the heat. The description said they were heat and drought tolerant.

Crazy child

What is it with this age and wanting to lift the dress? I was trying to get a picture of her with her "work". She "planted" the six daisies before we got to them. We had them lined up where we wanted them to go and they were on their sides outside the flower bed. She went all along the flower bed and cleared the mulch out of each spot with her hands and then picked up the bucket of daisies and put it in the spot it was supposed to go. She was really proud of herself for her accomplishment of helping in the flower bed.


Jenna said…
Hahaha I need to start taking planting lessons from Maddy! I hate digging holes for flowers. And my hair holds smoke for days and days too. I basically refuse to go anywhere near fires/grills anymore because it takes a good 4 or 5 washes before the smell goes away.
bee said…
Wow! That girl is going to be a farm girl. She loves plants and animals. Funny about the dress and pulling it up. I see it constantly at church with the little girls her age. LOL! Maddy is one funny little girl. Gotta love her. Love your flower beds. Very nice work!
Ashley said…
What a neat trip camping and to the farms. A farm with buzzards? Neato! The picture with Maddy and Aaron in the firelight is sooo awesome! That new camera works wonders! Your pictures are so great! Good luck on your portrait and I hope the flowers grow well especially on the West Wall, that on is a scorcher!
Brandon E. said…
Bloomers. It is time to invest in some. Not quite as embarrassing as meeting people and she shows off her new princess undies.

Sounds like she has her priorities all right going for the gardening over ice cream!
Drs Meyer said…
I love this girl even more! She's pretty stinkin hilarious!!! Your camping trip sounds great and I'm excited to see hopefully some pictures of Mad's surviving plants later :)

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