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Hand Evaluation

We spent 3 hours at Scottish Rite this morning to learn that they really can't do anything with her hands for about 6 months. They said the stretching we've been doing is great and to keep on with that. They don't splint this young because the babies can actually end up swallowing the splints because they are so small. They gave us some different stuff to try to keep her hand rolls in better. They were encouraged that her fingers were flexed because they said most kids with this condition do not have any flexion in the finger joint--they just stick straight out all the time. They were also encouraged that she had back and forth range in her elbows because, again, most kids with this have no flexion in the elbows and the arms are stuck straight out. We asked the PT that talked to us what areas she felt were most important for us to focus with the stretching and she said the wrists and the elbows would be what she focuses on. So we will do that.
After we got done with the hand appointment we went to the PT for her foot and learned how to tape it properly because it had been sliding out of the splint. Hopefully this will help. We will go back for an appointment next week and they will change her splints which will be good because her knee on one side is already straighter than what the splint holds it at. While we were taping she was sitting in a chair that had a moblie that moved and played music above it. We turned that on because she was really looking at it and she loved it! She got so smiley and excited about it. I am definitely finding her a mobile that moves around like that even if we have to actually darken the doors of Baby's R Us. She was just so cute looking at it and maybe it will help her have something she really enjoys while doing stretches.
I need to say that I am really thankful for family and all the encouragement. Sometimes I let myself get off focusing on the day and think what if this? what if that? what if this happens? It is impossible to think like that and not get completely depressed. Sometimes it is so hard but it is so important to focus on today. What can I do today? If I start worrying about tomorrow it is impossible to cope. The words of Jesus about concentrating on today and not worry about tomorrrow have become so true for my life. They have always been true but I now see that truth in action in my life and have an opportunity to put it in to practice. In the screwtape letters, C.S. Lewis talks about how one of Satan's tricks is to get us to focusing on the future. If we start playing the game of playing out future senarios in our mind it is a great way to get us to worry and stop focusing on God. Just some things I've been meditating on recently since I know I have been discouraged and complaining lately. I know it is okay to feel those things sometimes but I can't let myself stay there all the time or life becomes devoid of joy. So thanks to everyone for encouraging me when I'm down. Sometimes I get discouraged because I look ahead and see how far we have to go, but I get so thankful when I look back 9 weeks and I'm amazed at how much Maddy has already improved and what God has done. Recently we have had two different people give us money out of the blue to help with medical expenses so God is still taking care of us.


Chrissy Cross said…
Jesus takes care of all our needs, I am always so thankful for that. But when those needs seem impossible, that is when worry and discouragment are so easy. Don't feel bad, every mother feels scared about the "what if's" of life. When you think a "what if", remind yourself that Jesus himself felt your fear and worry too and that He is so ready to be there for you. God doesn't want us to worry, just to depend on Him when we feel that worry. I struggle with that as well. I am so thankful about Maddy's progress. I remember how you said that while you were pregnant you were given some peace about Maddy's hands, I think that you need to remember that peace, because in my non-professional opinion, the peace of God means more than what a dr. can say.
bee said…
You and Aaron have been great examples to many. I would love to see Maddy getting excited over the mobile. TODAY is the name of the game for every one of us. It is all any of us have. Keep looking up!
Brittany said…
You guys are doing so great! Sounds like Maddy is too. I think these appointments are encouraging, though tiring I'm sure. What a blessing to be in an age of medical technology for all this stuff. I think she looks cute as ever and is a spitfire. (That's a good thing in my opinion :) )
Brandon said…
I would really appreciate you guys coming out here about twice a month so we could see Maddy grow. Just ain't enough hearing about it on the internet.

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