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Lets Go Slap Some Doctors Around

Today was our long awaited appointment with the Ear Nose and Throat doctor also known by a really long unpronounceable name I can't remember. Our appointment was at 2:30. So we got there on time, filled out some paperwork and sat down and waited....and waited...and waited. About 40 minutes into the wait, Maddy had a blowout and pooped on my shorts, but once again managed to keep her own clothes squeaky clean. I thought surly they'd call us while I was in the bathroom changing her. Nope. More waiting..and waiting.. and waiting. Finally over an hour after we arrived for our appointment they took us back to a room. We're so sorry for the wait, they said. We have a new computer system and we have to learn how to use it and it's making us get behind. After waiting SOME MORE 1st nurse who doesn't know how to use the new software comes in. She asks probably 30 or 40 stupid questions that have nothing to do with what we've come about. She leaves. A second nurse comes in and asks about 10 0r 15 more questions. She also has no clue what she is doing on the computer. Then doctor FINALLY arrives. She does a few things on the computer (she's also having trouble) and then FINALLY looks in Maddy's ear. Yep, there's fluid in there, she says. We will send you to the surgery scheduling room to have you schedule a date for putting tubes in. Tap tap tap on computer keys. Bye! WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I WAITED A WHOLE MONTH AND THEN SPENT OVER TWO HOURS WAITING IN THE DOCTORS OFFICE FOR YOU TO LOOK IN HER EARS AND SAY "YEP, THERE'S FLUID IN THERE."????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picture smoke boiling out my ears. If that's what they thought it was and that's all we needed to do, why did we have to wait a month to see a specialist. Surely they could have taken a look in her ears and scheduled putting in tubes on the SAME DAY as the they did the hearing test? But someone with common sense would have to think of that and apparently no one who works in that office possesses even a microbial amount of it.
So the good news is that it is fluid and that hopefully putting tubes in will take care of it. That bad news is surgery. The doctor mentioned something about trying to coordinate doing that and the tethered cord on the same day. We will have to see what the neurosurgeon has to say and if she is willing to work with us. It would be nice if that could happen because she is going to have to stay a night in the hospital for the tubes anyway. Normally that's not a surgery that requires an overnight stay but since she is so small they have to keep her to monitor her oxygen levels. Plus she would only have to go under anesthesia once instead of once for each surgery. Please be praying for us in working this out and that we can make it happen if that's the best thing. The neuro appt. is on the 9th.

To end on a more positive note, we got our printed pictures as well as the CD of pictures from our photographers. Here is one of the family and several of Maddy. Consider it your reward for letting me vent. :)


Chrissy Cross said…
Beautiful pictures! And as for the dr.'s, unfortunately I think that it will not be the last time you are completely and utterly frustrated with them. That seems to be how they roll, inexcusible, but true.
Zach and Alyson said…
Vent away... I'm sure I would be frustrated too. I have a really hard time picturing you as that frustrated. The pics are beautiful. Hope all is well... San Antonio this coming weekend?
Brandon said…
I don't know how locked in you are with that particular office, but I would have made a point to mention I would like to find a different Dr. if it is going to be like that every time. Right now the quality of our healthcare service is still determined by the consumer. Don't know for how much longer....let's not get started on that.

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