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Tummy Time Woes

Well we got back a couple of hours ago from PT/OT. We have an new OT now named Coraley because our OT Tiffany had her baby yesterday. I really like Tiffany and will miss her. Coraley seems nice but I am reserving judgment about whether she is a good OT or not.
Our challenge right now---well okay one of our challenges---is tummy time. Maddy is having a really hard time getting on her tummy and lifting her head. I don't think I've written much about her neck but she has torticollis which is a greek word (I think) that means "twisted neck". So as I've mentioned she has trouble turning her head to one side. When she's on her back we've worked enough that she is really good now about turning her head to either side. Somehow though, that doens't translate to the tummy. She hates being on her tummy in the first place and really hates having her head turned to the left on her tummy. In the last couple of days Aaron and I finally came up with the idea of making her take naps on her tummy after she falls asleep and turning her head to the left so she gets a good stretch. That's how we had to start out with turning her head to the left when she was on her back. So that is going pretty well. It is just discouraging because with all of her tightness issues it makes it really hard for her to lift her head. In fact she hasn't ever done it yet. When you put her on her tummy whether it's on a boppy pillow, your legs, straight on the floor, whatever, she bawls until her face turns purple and she starts choking. Not exactly a conducive attitude to trying to work on things.
So all this to say, if any of you have any suggestions about something I could do that would help her like tummy time even just a little bit, please, PLEASE let me know. All of your kids may have loved tummy time, but if they didn't I would love to hear what you did to help them. Also, please be praying for my patience and perseverence in working on this with her.
The consultation with the neurosurgeon is on Thursday morning and the second opinion ENT appt is on Friday. So keep us in your prayers for those two as well. I'm very nervous about the neurosurgeon thing so please pray for wisdom and peace, especially for me as we discuss what to do.


Brandon said…
Get her hooked on watching tennis. Just joking. I am sure you guys are doing the best you can. I am really impressed with all the progress she has made. You probably don't realize it as much when you see her everyday.
Chrissy Cross said…
None of my kiddos liked tummy time, especially at that age. I did the napping on their tummy thing for mine too. The only thing I can think of that might help is to prop her up a little. Like on a boppy with her arms over the edge. I know that is what they do for some preemies, so it may work on Maddy, and it may not. Tummy time is frustrating. With Clayton I didn't do hardly any because she would just hate it. I don't think it would hurt to not do it as long or as much. Maddy is still little and I know lots of babies (especially preemies) that can't hold their heads up like that for 4 months. Don't stress too much. As she gets older she will get stronger.
Jennifer said…
Abriella hated tummy time too. I also snuck in tummy time by napping her on her tummy. Otherwise, I would try to lay right beside her on the floor and talk to her or wave toys around beside her. I agree with trying this with the boppy, too. Colby enjoys that more than just being on the floor. I think more babies than not hate tummy time. Keep working with her. We continue to pray for all 3 of you every single night!!

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