I often end up posting a lot of stuff about doctors and not about much else going on in our lives, so I thought I'd do a post about the little things that have been going one. We only have one appointment this week (praise God!). I do have a couple of little updates about doctor stuff though. Maddy finally saw her PT on Friday and she was really impressed with how her neck was doing. She hadn't seen her in a little over a month. We got some new stretches and positions to do with her to help her contract the muscles on the right side of her neck in order to help her hold her head straighter. A big praise is that I emailed the neurosurgeon about recovery time and recurrence for Maddy's surgery. I was under the impression from several that recovery time from this surgery requires at least 48 hours on the tummy. Not so! She can even sit upright a few hours after the surgery. The recurrence rate with a routine tethered cord is less than 1%. These were both very relieving things for me to hear and definitely gave me more peace about the upcoming surgery.
Okay! Onto the trivia. This weekend we got some house plants to replace some that had died. The picture above is of an ornamental pepper plant. It is so pretty and unique. I hope it lives. Some of our house plants do great and some do not. Hopefully the climate of our house will be conducive to life for this plant. (Wow, that sentence sounds like I just beamed down from the U.S.S. Enterprise.)
We are continuing to train for the 1/2 marathon in December. Yesterday we ran 38 minutes so we are making progress. I think we are doing the hardest part now because we are trying to get in shape and it is always quite hot when we go run, even in the evening, so once it gets cooler and we are in better shape, we should have it made. Maddy really enjoys the runs as well. She love riding in the stroller, especially if there is a little breeze blowing in her face.
The video below is of Maddy eating. She has learned a lot about that as you will see. She is really close to being able to roll over on her own. Right now we have to help her a little bit. I will roll her on her tummy and she has finally figure out how to push herself back over. She is also on a talking jag again and practicing quite a few new sounds. She is also trying out new volumes and pitches. Right now she is is being really loud to get my attention. It is funny. We have been looking at books lately. I will read the book to her and then set it up by her head so she can keep looking at the pictures. When she gets bored of a page she cries so I will come turn the page. It is so funny. She will look at that page for awhile and then cry again for me to turn it. It cracks me up. She also really likes sitting in the boppy pillow and playing on her play gym.
I finally got around to painting the letter for her name for her room this weekend. Sad, I know. The poor girl's room still isn't finished and she's almost 5 months old.
So those are a few things that have been going on in our little everyday world.