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K Walker

Yesterday we went to Scottish Rite for Maddy's 6 month follow up appointment. Two big things came out of her check up.
The first thing is that she will be having surgery on her legs soon to lengthen the tendons behind her knees. The surgery is called bilateral hamstring release. Depending on how things go they may only do the right knee and go back to do the left knee later. After her surgery she will be in casts for 6-8 weeks. Then she will get a new kind of KAFO with hinges that will allow her more mobility in walking. So of course were are asking everyone to be in prayer over her surgery as well as the recovery time afterwards. I don't think she's going to enjoy having big, bulky casts on her legs that make it hard to move around.
The second thing that happened is that Maddy got a K walker. I am ridiculously pumped about this thing, but it seriously is great. The best part is that Maddy loved it right away. The therapist brought it in for her to try out. I didn't put her in it right away because I didn't know if he needed to make adjustments. Well Maddy had a breakdown. She wanted to try it out and she wanted to try it out yesterday! The therapist said it was ready to go so I put her in and she immediately started cruising all over the place. No learning curve whatsoever. She knows how to get herself in and out of it. She will get in in it and say, "Walk to Mama!" and then do it, or "walk to Houdini" and then do it. Here are some pictures and video overload of her using the walker. Another great thing is that, unlike the stander, the walker moves easily on the carpet so she is not limited to where she can go with it (well except the stairs). The first video is kind of long and she spent more time "drinking coffee" than she did walking but I'm including it anyway, mostly for the enjoyment of the grandparents.


Drs Meyer said…
OH man!!!! That thing is GREAT!!!!!!!! Ahhhh, I love seeing those things. Poor baby girl she is gonna hate those casts after that fun...we'll be praying! Mom and i got the biggest kick out of seeing her drink her coffee and walk! :) she fits right in with the coffee drinking!
bee said…
This is just amazing!!!! I hope that she will still be able to move somehow in those casts. She has come so FAR! I love hearing her talk.
s&sjohnson08 said…
Coffee first! I love it!
I can't believe how big she is getting! Keeping all of you guys in our prayers!
Chrissy Cross said…
Wow! That is so great! I wonder if she will start taking steps without it? She will be a huge grouch in casts now that she has learned to walk in the walker. Sorry mama! But, we know the surgery is needed.
Jessica said…
Love the videos!!! The coffee cracked me up too! She's got her priorities right. I'm sure it's nice to have another coffee drinker at home since Aaron doesn't go after it. Coffee shared is even better than by yourself. :)
Brittany said…
Like mother like daughter...someone's been observing coffee habits : )
Man, those vids were great! Yay Maddy!

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