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Scottish Rite, Granna, and Aunt Cindy


So we had a good week. Maddy went to her first pediatrician appt. She weighed 6lb 1oz. Then when the home health people came the next day she'd gained another 2 oz, which was encouraging cause I feel like she hasn't been eating just great. My mom who we are calling "Granna" (not sure if that is how she decided to spell it) was here all week. It was so helpful to have her around. She cleaned, did lots of laundry, and enjoyed hanging out with Maddy. We had a great time. Cindy came in last night after a really delayed flight and it is going to be great to have her here for the weekend.
Yesterday, we took Maddy to Scottish Rite Hospital for her evaluation. Scottish Rite is a hospital run by Shriners and Masons and all treatment there is free. They do not even take insurance so it is an amazing blessing that we were able to get a referal from the hospital she was born at AND the guy that is on the board of trustees at DBU. We were originally scheduled to go in on May 7th but the trustee pulled some strings and got us in this Friday. We didn't know they would actually start any treatment but they cast her feet and knees yesterday. The casting process is supposed to slowly stretch her joints and feet back into the correct positions. Her left foot seems that it will be able to be corrected through casting. The right foot could possibly be corrected but most likely will have to have some surgery, but the casting will help with it a lot. We will get referred to a hand and arm person later to work on that. Yesterday's appointment was very stressful for baby and mom. They had to do xrays, sonos, and exams that all involved lots of stretching which hurt Maddy and made both of us cry. The casting made her cry to because they stretch her a bit to put them on. She was so tired and cranky after it all and I don't blame her but it wore Mom out. She is recovering and getting back to herself today. Next time we go which will be next Friday because they change the casts every week, it won't be as traumatic because she'll only be getting stretched once instead of ten or twelve times. Anyway we are very thankful that we get to start her treatment so early.
The dogs have been a pain this week because they are not sure if the baby is a human or some kind of little animal to eat, or a toy to play with. They are getting better though. We still have to work on Houdini not jumping on or nibbling at the baby's feet so the dogs have spent most of their time outside this week.
Tomorrow Maddy will have been home for a whole week. yeah!
By the way, I am so sick of pumping and there is no end of that in sight. I am thankful that we do have a way to feed her breast milk instead of formula but it gets really old.


Chrissy Cross said…
Pumping is the pits!! I am with you on that! I think Maddy looks kind of cute in her little casts. I am sorry that is was so traumatic, I would have cried the whole time. Thanks for the update!
Zach and Alyson said…
yea for such quick treatment at only 3 week old. That's pretty amazing. Glad that your mom and sister have been able to meet your precious little one.
seg said…
thanks for keeping us updated! sorry things are so hard right now! my Dad used to say "this too shall pass..." when I was having a tough time with something, and it always does - kind of comforting. :) you're both so strong and brave - tears welled up in my eyes just reading about your doctor appointments! I can't imagine how stressful that must be. and I'm so impressed that you're still pumping! I hated it with Jonathan - I'd cry when I had to do it! I decided I couldn't do it this time with the twins (for my sanity), so we finally switched to formula. but all the amazing antibodies and stuff in what you're pumping is going to help your little princess heal so much faster! :) we love you!

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