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Shower/ PT/OT

Maddy taking her last real bath for a while. She has to take sponge baths with her casts and she doesn't enjoy those nearly as much.
Me opening gifts.

All the loot Maddy got.

Sunday, the ladies at Brookhaven Church gave me a shower. It was amazing. I only really knew 2 people there. I had met 2 of them and the rest I had never met til the day of my shower. Despite having never known me, these ladies put together a beautiful shower and were so generous in their gifts to Maddy. It really changed my perspective on my excuse that I use not to go to things sometimes. That is "I don't know them so it doesn't matter if I am there." I have found out it matters. It is wonderful when people you know generously give you something you need. It means even more when someone you have never met takes the time to do something for you and generously give you something that you need. I am so impressed by these ladies and I think they are wonderful. They had a great time passing Maddy around and holding her. Cindy was here so it was nice to have one family member to be at my shower. I got tons of clothes, blankets, diapers, bath products, books, and many other baby items. One of the ladies made Maddy the cutest quilt. She will love it when she is a little older. Another got her the cute piggy bank with her name on it. We have a wonderful church family.
Today we went to PT and OT. They considerately combined their appts since they were doing basically the same thing so we only had to spend one hour instead of two. She gets so tired at these doctor visits that I really appreciated them doing that. They gave me some stretches to do. Basically we've already been doing what they gave us except putting her on her tummy. Tummy time is kind of hard with casts but I did put her on her tummy this afternoon after she'd had a good nap and she tolerated it pretty well. They want her doing that so that her hips stretch the other way and don't get tight. We also worked on her little hand rolls to try to make them stay in better. She has gotten to where she works them out as soon as you get them put in. Eventually we will get something a little more stable but because she is so small right now we don't want to do anything harder than guaze and irritate her sensitive skin. I have to find out if Scottish Rite took an xray of her neck. They will not start doing neck stretches until they see all the bones in the neck are okay. If they don't have one I will have to get our pedi to order one.
Cindy was here this weekend and we had a great time. She and Brad gave me and A some money to go on a date while she watched Maddy. That was fun but a little wierd for Maddy not to be around. I didn't think I would feel that wierd since she's only been home for a week but I kept feeling like something was missing. We ate out and then went to Starbucks for coffee. Actually green tea latte. Yesterday we took a picnic lunch up to DBU and had lunch with Aaron and showed Cindy around the campus. That was very fun.
So I feel like I am crashing and burning in school. I think I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed if I wasn't going to three doctors appointments a week, but that takes up a lot of time. Actually I think this should be the only week for a while that we have three, but we'll definitely have two every week for a while. Today I am so discouraged I just want to drop. I forgot to get some things that were due for my online classes done in time. Nothing to big, but it just made me feel like if I can't get something simple accomplished how am I going to finish the big paper I have left?
Prayers this week for me and Aaron both in trying to finish the semester strong and for strength and endurance for Maddy as she gets poked and prodded by the doctors. She has a lot of spirit but is also very laid back. I am very thankful to God for giving her the personality she has. I think he has given her what she needs right now for all of us to be able to make it through all these appointments. She is a very sweet little baby.


Chrissy Cross said…
Babies change everything!!! I totally understand your frustration with school. Suddenly it seems far less important right? Anyway, talk to your teachers and let them know what is going on, most teachers will be happy to give you an extension on your work or give you an "I" till you can get the stuff turned in. Don't forget that is an option. Sometimes taking care of family is the most important thing you can do and it is what God intends for you at that moment in your life. Maddy needs you now more than she ever will. I am so thankful that she has you as her mother and that you have her as your sweet baby. BTW, I got to almost every baby shower at church even if I do not know them b/c so many people have been good to me, I need to pay it forward. :) You are so right about that.
Brittany said…
That is so generous of the ladies at church. I would have never thought of doing that. I don't even like going to baby showers of people I know, so I always feel like it's a free pass when it's a stranger. Thanks for encouraging the new outlook. I needed that. By the way, how is it possible that you don't look like you just had a baby? Insane! Hope we can see you 3 soon.
Anonymous said…
I wanted to be sure someone has told you about Ealry Childhood Intevention. They will come to your home and provide the therapy there. One of the great things is that ECI believs that families are the ones who make the most difference. They will help you and your husband better understand how to help your daughter. It is a great program and the cost, if any, is very small. ECI is a state program and you can look at the state web site to get more information. The easiest way to find it is to google Early Childhood Intervention in texas. Each state has an ECI program. Another good things is that you can make the referral yourself just by calling your local ECI program. If you have any questions you can email me at

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