We had a good weekend. Jessica came up to see Tricia and they came over on Saturday for a cookout at our house. We cooked some home-grown beef steaks and they were delicious. We also went to a great bbq place with them for lunch on Sunday. Our church watched Fireproof for services on Sunday to kick of their marriage series based on the movie. Jessica hadn't seen it so they came to church with us. We also had dinner with Dr. Griffith on Friday night before she left for the summer to go to Vancouver to visit her daughter for the summer.
Yesterday Maddy had an MRI. We have been trying to decided what to do about getting a neurosurgeon and decided to have the MRI to see if it was necessary to get one. I called the pediatrician today and they had gotten the results back. The results showed that the cord looks tethered so we will be going to see a neurosurgeon on July 9th. It is a pain because there are only two neurosurgeons in our network and they are both in Ft. Worth. I am also still trying to work out an appointment with another ENT to see about her ears. I will call tomorrow and see if they got the medical records and if we can go ahead and make an appointment.
Classes started for both Aaron and I yesterday. My online class looks pretty easy. I do have to do a 12 page research paper. Aaron teaches Biology from 8-12 M-Th. His class only lasts the month of June. Mine will go through August 3rd.
Not much else going on here. We will go see the hand specialists at Scottish Rite on Thursday so please be in prayer for that appointment.