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ABR results

A couple random pics from Farwell.
We just got back from the ABR. This time Maddy had to be sedated. The sedation was an oral medicine. She did really well with that. So far it seems that it has not upset her tummy and she was coming out of it during the middle of the test so they kind of had to fight to keep her asleep. 
The test results were moderate hearing loss. It seems that the hearing loss has something to do with how the sound is being conducted through the middle ear. They will check for fluid again but at this point it seems that hearing aids are on the horizon. Apparently there are also some surgeries that they can do for this type of hearing loss but I think we would probably not do that right away and I think she will need to be hearing at full capacity for her speech development before we could get surgery etc. arranged and at this point we don't know for sure that is an option or if we'd want to do it. Anyhow, we'll go back to Dr. Gamble soon and then figure out our next step. She did a test where they put something behind the ear and see if the inner ear is conducting sound. Hers was so they do not think it is anything damaged in the inner ear so that is good because that means that hearing aids will be very beneficial for her type of hearing loss. I am glad to hear this because one of my fears has been that something would be wrong that hearing aids couldn't help and she can't move her hands well so it would be difficult for her to learn sign language. So in someways it is disappointing that everything was not okay but it is also a praise that it looks like she can be help with a very non-invasive and pretty easy...although somewhat expensive... fix. I am going to have to give her a bath this afternoon because the goop they use to stick the electrodes on her head is stuck in her hair. I may have to get out some alcohol swabs to get all of it out completely. 
Well half the day is gone and I have accomplished absolutely nothing but the doctor's appointment so I guess I need to get busy. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers for us today.


hey hol-i actually figured as much about Steph Meyer since she went to BYU. and my mom had told me about her books stemming from a dream. WEIRD that she's never seen an R rated movie, tho. As i read this last book, i have no idea how THAT movie won't be R rated.
(sorry to post something on your post that has nothing to do with it, but i wasnt sure if you would see my comment if i just posted it on my own blog). :)
leah said…
Aww, sweet girl! I found your blog from google- Our little guy has a moderate hearing loss and does REALLY well with hearing aids (we actually have to tell him to be quiet now, lol)! Technology is pretty amazing now. Just sending along some electronic support!
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