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Happy 1/2 Photo Fest

Sitting on the couch like a big girl. She sat like this for probably ten or fifteen minutes just watching the dogs and feeling special. Last time we tried this (awhile back) she couldn't hold herself up and would just slide right over to the side and land on her face.
Yes, I know it's crazy, but I made her a 1/2 birthday cake. The girls been through a lot and, let's face it--Mom needs some chocolate.
Looking studious for Papa. Notice that her highlighter matches her outfit. I hope this isn't an omen of later on.
Why is this picture on here? Maddy is actually tilting her head the OTHER way.
Hamming it up for the camera. This outfit came out of the 3-6 month drawer. The first one she's worn from there. It didn't have a size on it so it might not technically be 3-6 months but I am still excited!
More hamming for the camera.
I went to see my friend Beckie and her kids last week. Richard really, really wanted to hold Maddy. I don't think it was as exciting as he thought it would be because he got bored of it pretty fast.
The following are some comparison pictures. I love looking at these because I am around every day so sometimes I forget just how far Maddy has come.
I think Maddy is about 3-4 weeks old her and I'm pretty sure this is her first or second set of casts. Notice the extreme head tilt.
There is a head tilt in this picture too, but it's not Maddy's! Way to go little girl. Tell Papa to hold his head straight.
This is Maddy in NICU in a little outfit Chrissy got for her. Her legs wouldn't go in the leg holes so we just kind of buttoned the bottom up like a gown. 
Tada! Look ma, legs! And my clothes fit too!
It is hard to believe that Maddy has been part of our lives for half a year. What did I do before she came along? It has definitely been a roller coaster and a challenge but Maddy brings us so much joy every day that it is worth all the craziness and business that we have to go through to have her here with us.
Today we went in to the doctor for a 6 month check up and shots. Maddy weighed 9 lb. 12 oz and was 23 inches long. The doctor is still concerned about her weight. He wants us to go see an endocrinologist now and possibly look into growth hormones. Really? Am I being obtuse or are their other options we should consider first? I mean I haven't started her on solid food yet! That will begin this week by the way. He said he wasn't necessarily concerned about her length and her head size is normal for her age so he is not concerned about that at all. Just weight. She is small and is not gaining weight at an extremely rapid rate, that is for sure. At the same time do we really need to be talking about growth hormones yet? Plus with her orthopedic issues, I would think that attempting to mess with growth hormones could be an extra dangerous cocktail. One of our friends at church has a little boy that her pediatrician wanted to put on growth hormones. He is two. She ended up switching pediatricians over the whole issue. Anyway, I am a very inexperienced mom so what do you other moms out there think? I guess I could take her to see the endocrinologist just to check, but I think playing around with hormones for any reason at any age is definitely risky. 
Happy last day of September everyone! Tonight we are going to go eat supper at Tricia's and I'm hoping Maddy will eat her first couple of bites of cereal today. I will post pictures of that soon.


Chrissy Cross said…
Maddy's personality is really starting to shine, what a sweet girl and what a blessing!! Your pictures made me tear up because Maddy has changed so much in 6 months, just think what the next 6 months will bring!
Brittany said…
What a big girl!! You can definitely see the difference. Can't wait to see you guys and Maddy and the dogs when we come down next week!
bee said…
She does look so much like a big girl sitting up on the couch. I concur. She has made leaps and bounds in changes. What a dear sweet baby and blessing.
Brandon said…
Wow wow she is looking like a big girl. She looks so much like you or Cindy in some of those pictures. Dr.'s seem to love making referrals for some reason. But, maybe it wouldn't hurt to check if she is in fact way under weight.
Jennifer said…
She has changed so much! What a cutie!

As for the GH, hmmm. I don't know much about them, but I would be hesitant myself to put my baby on GH at such a young age. However, I might go to the consult and hear exactly what the endo said, as he is the expert and could give you more information to make a more informed consent.

On the solids front, they don't really do anything at this point to add weight, just so you know. There really isn't much of anything in what they eat at this point. It's just for practice. Their main nutrition up until a year is still breastmilk and/or formula. Don't cut back on that.

Anyway, you guys are doing great with her! Keep it up!!

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