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So I try not to complain about my life on this blog, because really I'm blessed beyond measure. I debated venting on here but I think it's good to sometimes share frustrations just so everyone knows that other people are human too. So don't feel obligated to read my gripe session. It's just time to vent.
So frustration came to the boiling over point at OT today. Maddy always does great and her therapist is great, but today she comes out and tells me that Maddy's hands aren't doing as good as they have been and that her hips are tight. We were doing great on hip stretching this summer when we had the pool. Maddy loved leaning over the side of the pool to try and grab the grass and while she was working on that I'd stretch her hips. Now it is too cold, there is no pool, and Maddy can now run away from me when she doesn't want to do something so how am I supposed to incorporate hip stretching back into the routine? Also her hands have gotten a bit tighter because Scottish Rite will not give us hand splints!!! Won't go into that gripe for now. That is a huge rabbit trail. Anyway we get them from therapy but they only have one lady that does them. Maddy was scheduled to get hand splints made back in September but we had to cancel because we had to go to Farwell for Papa's funeral. They hand splint lady is so book up that set us back 2 months on getting splints. She's scheduled to go in a get them next Thursday. Finally! On top of all this I have somehow every day got to get her to try to put weight on her left hip in sitting and kneeling positions, work on her crawling, stretch her hands and neck, stretch knees, get her in the stander, PLUS do all the normal things like naps, meals, bathing, PLUS work on writing papers for school, read for school, busy work for school, PLUS house hold chores--laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc., PLUS find time to make my husband feel like I realize he's still around. Obviously I don't get all this done everyday.
The worst part that has been bugging me lately is how do I fit God into all this. Yes I pray all the time. That is for sure. But how do I find time to sit down with my Bible and read that or do anything deeper than just pray for God to help me to get through the day. I don't think I have an excuse for not doing this, I just find it hard to work everything in. I'm find myself doing the minimum on the above mentioned daily activities as well. I try to tell myself to let it go (I mean all the stuff and if it gets done it does and if it doesn't it doesn't) but in a way that feels like telling myself it is okay to do a bad job.
Well anyway, I'm sure there are tons of moms out there who feel overwhelmed with all that's on their plates as well. Sometimes I feel like I should just give up the MA and the teaching and the extra money that would bring and try to devote more time to getting Maddy's exercises, etc. accomplished, but I also find myself thinking that God wouldn't give me a brain if he didn't want me to use it, the opportunity if he didn't want me to have it, and I'd just go plain crazy if I didn't have the chance to do something that required me to use the skills I have that can't really be used as a wife and mother alone.
It's hard to humble myself to ask for prayers, because I don't want to admit that I'm weak. But I do need some extra prayers today. So if you made it through my petty whining this far, thanks for listening. Thanks for letting me vent.


Brandon E. said…
You done got your boat loaded sounds like. I'm sure it would be hard, but you may have to put some things on the back burner until Maddy gets back on track. Especially with holiday stuff coming up. You do not sound whiny or petty, we need to share our burdens.
bee said…
I hope venting helped. You probably need to do that more often. You have a HUGE load. I don't think you realize how much you have on your plate all the time. Cindy and I were commenting on that a while back. She feels overwhelmed at times and she doesn't have all the dr. appts., therapy at home, classes, etc. I am a horrible person at not being able to just let some things go. But that is what you have to do. Taking care of Maddy and hubby is serving God in a BIG way. That is a priority. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are doing a great job. God understands your situation even more than you do. Prayers always go up for you.
Anonymous said…
These may be things you are already doing but if not... Try eating some meals in the stander and doing some streching in the bath. Take care of yourself or you will not be able to continue to take care of your family. Don't give up on your dreams you need those so you can keep being a great Mom and wife.

Julie F
Chrissy Cross said…
Preach it! There is not a day that goes by that I don't feel completely adequate for all the things that HAVE to get done! I think Satan loves to make us feel inadequate and guilty. It is his foot in the door. The more guilt we feel, the happier he is. God wants us to depend on Him for strength, so here is what I do, everyday I say a little prayer for strength, organization, mental clarity and the ability to get things done. :) It really helps me get through the day.
Jessica said…
I'm glad you shared your frustration. I've already prayed for you and will continue to. Do you graduate this Dec. or will it be May? Either way, you are soooo close to being done! You are a good mother. You are a good wife. You are a good student. Most importantly, you are in Christ. Period.
If you apply the idea of seasons to what you've just described - "this too shall pass". Doesn't make things feel better neccessarily, but I think it's true. :) I'll be praying that you'll get some much needed rest in the middle of all the craziness going on!
Anonymous said…
Oh dear. That does sound quite overwhelming. Prayers have been spoken. I agree with Jessica on seasons- this is a stressful season, and one to get through. But in the end, it's usually the hard ones that we remember and learn from, not the easy ones.
Ms. Embry said…
Holly, I have always been so amazed at the grace with which you have greeted the challenges in your life...and I look at Maddy and at how far she has come and know that she is a testimony to what a wonderful mom you have been through the strength Christ has given you! However, I am glad you have shared your frustrations because that's a wake-up call to me...sometimes I get so caught up in what I'm doing that I don't support my family here in Dallas like I should! These "apples" should not be yours and Aaron's to juggle I want to do more to help you through this chaotic season...what's the use of family if we aren't here for each other!?! Will talk to you soon!!

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